Friday, January 21, 2011

Something New That I've Discovered.

1. Being Friends Is Actually Pretty Awesome.
Because it turns out that guys actually text their friends back.
And they say hi to their friends when they see them.
They make fun of their friends. And expect the same from them.
Oh and did I mention that guys talk to their friends? Like actually have real conversations with them. . .
2. Patience Works.
Because it turns out if I'm not texting a guy everyday. . .or everytime I see him. . .well sooner or later. . .he actually texts me. . .Yeah it might take forever. . .but sooner or later you get a text that says "Have you been to the art show yet?"
And you know what. . .when you hang out on HIS terms. . .things just seem to go better. . .
3. Studying=Good For Grades.
Okay. . .I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out but I think that's pretty self-explanatory. . .
4. Sleep is IMPORTANT!
So I've got a 7:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. . .and an 8:55 on MWF. . .so this whole being up at 2AM like I am now? Not happening any more. . .I only stay up on Friday nights.
So bed by midnight. . . .yes. Up by 7 or 8. . .unfortunately yes. . .
5. Finances Suck/Phone's Really Aren't That Important
Yeah money is disgusting. I hate it. And the lack of it. In fact because of the lack of it. . .I'll not have a phone for two weeks. . .but I mean I've been without my phone for longer than that. . .it's just a difficult adjustment. . .ya know?

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