Wednesday, January 13, 2010

so i'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face as i realize i really have no idea what I'm gonna do. I'm a double major at Indiana Wesleyan. . .elementary education and special education. For the past couple of months I've been unsure if I've been and eled/speced major because I want to be or because God wants me to be. I'm not sure if God wants me where I am right now. I know he wants me at IWU. He made that happen. But i'm just not sure about my major. At lovemercy I asked Trey Pearson of Everyday Sunday if he'd ever felt like he was in the band because he wanted to be and not because God wanted him to be. And how he'd decided. Trey's answer was something along the lines of 'examine your opportunities. If you are in the field that God wants you to be he will open doors for you. He'll help you. If you think he might be calling you somewhere else look and see--is God opening doors in that field of study? If not that's not where you are supposed to be.' This made perfect sense to me. . .So I'm going through classes today--Math for Elementary Teachers and America Education today. Math sucked but that's normal. American Education on the other hand was enlightening. Dr. Elsberry talked about how even before you were born God had your career in mind. Every talent and ability you have is dedicated to being what God wants you to be. I just felt like that was for me. I love kids. I love to work with kids. I've always loved helping in school. I'm creative. I'm slightly musical. All these things point toward working with kids and working in a school. HMMMMM kinda made me think like I'm supposed to be a teacher. . . . .so i got excited. I was just talking to a friend about this and she goes. . .'not to burst your bubble or anything but I don't think that's true. I mean wasd david equipped to fight Goliath?' she said that as if it was a stupid question. I always thought that YES. He was equipped according to God's requirements. But according to my friend that's not right. I guess the fact that David was good with a sling had nothing to do with it. It was all God. I'd just like to know who gave David that talent? Who gave him the strenth. Everything in David's life was set up for not just defeating Goliath but for everything else. Tell me how David would have had that strength if he wasn't a shepherd forced to protect his flock from a lion and a bear. Yeah i know I wasn't born creative. I wasn't born with a patience and love for kids. But everything in my life has helped develop them. If i didn't have aunts who taught me how to sew and parents who welcomed creativity I wouldn't be half as creative as I am. If i didn't have teachers who were so willing to teach I wouldn't be so enthused about teaching. If i didn't have so many younger siblings I wouldn't have slowly developed my love for young kids. If i hadn't been adopted I wouldn't have so many siblings! Do you see what I'm getting at? She was quick to point out that she didn't mean to just completely burst my bubble but that I should know that what the prof really meant was that I should seek God. WHo the heck says I haven't been seeking God? Now I have no idea what to do. I love my friend but I think she's wrong. And I don't want to tell her that either.

1 comment:

  1. And will any of us ever get God totally right...? Hehe... =) Love ya.
