Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh Well I Knew That Was Gonna Happen

Hahahaha so you remember this:

Well he opened the message.

Is it creepy if I know that?

Hahaha myspace tells me that he's at least opened it.

I can't say he read it.

He certainly didn't respond to it.

But he opened it.


I feel exhilarated.

Hehehehehe I feel like sending him another one. . . .hmmm, we'll wait.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hey Random Letter to Matt Thiessen....and Uncle Johnny by The Killers playing on my iTunes....

So it’s 1:30 am at Indiana Wesleyan university and I’m bored. I’ve been working on my English Comp homework for the better part of 12 hours and I’m sick of it. I don’t want to do it anymore. I’m sitting here listening to The Dead Weather. Great band. I was thinking about stuff and I decided that in an epic effort to procrastinate—I’m going to send Matt Thiessen a message. Ridiculous if I do say so myself. And I do. Now I know I’m always stressing how I don’t like to treat musicians different then regular people….so the question is would I message someone random that I’d never met? The answer is YES. Because I’ve done it before! Did it turn out well? Not really…the person ignored the message and sends me weird looks sometimes but the point is that I’ve done it. Now I also know that the chances of Matt Thiessen even opening the message are slim to none and well, slim likes to leave without notice, but you know what….i’m bored…I don’t care! So here it is: Hey Matt Thiessen! If you’ve gotten this far well, you must be bored. You probably get like a thousand messages a day….okay maybe not but still. I saw you at Ichthus! I was in the front. Don’t worry you didn’t see me. I left half way through to go hang out with Aaron Gillespie. Sorry I think he’s cooler than you…and I was suffocating in the crowd. Well before Ichthus I had gotten Forget and Not Slow Down from a friend….hadn’t really listened to it at all….after Ichthus I started listening to just the songs Forget and Not Slow Down and I Don’t Need A Soul. So one night I was again, epically bored (like I am now). So I decided to do some MAJOR cyber-stalking on the band that was playing on my newly acquired zune right that second and it happened to be relient k. So I picked Matt Thiessen. And typed your name into google. Hahaha there is a Matt Thiessen on facebook that I have like 2 mutual friends in common with…..strange. The Matt Thiessen of relient k (you) has a blog. And I read it all in one night. I also stumbled upon the little I don’t know what you call it—break up between you and Shannon. Sorry about that. So it was as I was reading through like the radio stations press release or something weird like that that I just got fed up. I stopped. I went to bed. I laid there listening to the whole album when I heard a song that like literally hit me right in the gut….If You Believe Me. It made me cry. And then I listened to every other song on there. And they’re amazing. There’s so much feeling in them. It’s like I could feel the pain and confusion that you were feeling. Assuming that’s what you were feeling because that’s what I felt. I’m not really sure what to say after this. Because on one hand I want to say that I believe you. But I feel like I can’t say that because I don’t know you at all. And on the other hand I feel like I could probably believe Shannon based on a lot of what I’ve heard. But on the other hand that’s gossip and its stupid and mean and on the other hand I feel like you probably don’t really care what I think about and would prefer that I not talk about and holy crap I just realized I have four hands…hmmm I feel like that might be useful…..What the heck I just wrote the equivalent of 2 journals. Dang it. This is proof that this homework should not have taken all day….of course when you throw in How To Train Your Dragon, an epic game of Jenga with the tower size doubled, The Sound of Music, random wal-mart trip and Igor it’s no wonder. Okay I think I’m done. I’ve so got to get working on this homework….holy crap why the heck do I have Love Lockdown by Kanye? Gross. Well, Matt Thiessen I hope that if you read this it brought you enjoyment. Smile it makes people think you’re okay—and the more you try to make people think your okay, the more okay you get. Not that your not okay….just saying that’s what I live by……have fun being a rock-star. I like your music.

P.S. You should know….The Anatomy of the Tongue and Cheek was the first CD I ever burned. I was like 13 I felt like a rebel. Then I felt bad and went out and bought it.

and on a completely different note:

I love that the first words of this song are:

When everybody else refrained

My uncle johnny did cocaine

and on another random note.

Because I sent this message via MYSPACE---you remember that right?

Well I can check and see if he ever OPENS the message. It'll tell me so :) I feel smart and satisfied.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Inhale-Breathe In-Take in the fresh air.
You know what that is?

Amazing Friends

Friends who stay up till 3AM with you just telling each other random jokes and talking.
Friends who stay up till 3Am with you telling you how amazing you are.
Friends who let you just show up and hang out.
Friends who will walk with you around the entire campus while you pour your heart out to them.
Friends who don't mind living with you.
Friends who stick by you for 11 years.
Friends who take you to Wal-Mart to buy your favorite movie.
And the list could just go on and on and on and on.....
I'm not even including the people that I only know by name and say hi to on a regular basis!

Do you see the common variable in this though?
It's friends.

I've underestimated how much they mean to me.

I mean seriously I would be NOTHING.


So instead of thanking me Nathan Wiley....I should be thanking YOU.
So thank you, above mentioned people who could possibly be named Isaac, Nathan, Tiffany, Liz, Stephanie, Ari, and Caleb and you know what.......if you've EVER said Hi to me......You can put your name in here!

So Thanks Friends! I LOVE YOU ALL!

I am so blessed.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And Then She Told Me To Call Her.

But she doesn't actually like talking on the phone. She just said she had HUGE news and I needed to call her. Well I'm not gonna mind wandered a little. I thought of all the possible things that could happen. My first thought was the right thought.And I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it. Because on one hand I'm really happy for her. But on the other hand....well I just don't like him. But I know that he loves her and I know that she loves him so essentially there shouldn't be a problem. And usually there wouldn't be. But I'm afraid it's too early and there doing it in all the wrong order. And I just don't know how to deal with it. Actually I know how to deal it. I have to be happy for them because what I think and what I feel about their relationship does not matter. Simple as that. That's a hard thing to uh come to terms with. And it's not that she doesn't care about what i think. It's just that she cares more about her relationship which is good. It means she means it. But I just can't help but feel a little left out. It it hurts just a little bit.