Tuesday, February 19, 2013

God's Will?

So I'm sitting here trying to write this lesson plan.
And I've been having this thought run through my mind for a while now.

Am I focusing on what is important?

Now, I'm in college. In one of the most difficult semesters of my degree. So the first thought is if I'm doing my school work than of course I'm doing what is important.

Let me throw another thought at you.

Who defines what is important?

So often I find myself thinking that because God has put me on this campus, because he has gotten me this far into the education program, he must want me to get a degree in education.

But I can't help thinking about a third thought. One that my mother tuned me in to to.

My goal in life is not to get my degree in education.
My goal in life is to do God's will.

And perhaps God's will in my life is not to get my degree in education.

I'm not saying I've been wasting my time here.
Definitely not saying that.

What am I saying is that, perhaps it is God's will for me to be here and to go through these classes with something else entirely in store.
My mother told me that she got her associates in Christian Ministries.
She worked as a lab technician for 20 years.
In fact, she's never held an official position in the church.
Yet, every single thing she learned attaining her degree she has used since she graduated.

So how is this affecting my thoughts and the way I live?
I don't think it has ever really been about getting a degree in education.
I think it's always been about the experiences that I've been through and the classes I've been in and the people I've met.
I think that's why I'm here, to invest in the lives of others and to learn from what others have invested in me.

Monday, February 18, 2013

And I'm Back

So I've decided to bring back my blogger.
Mainly because I need an outlet to write
I want to write.
And I love my tumblr.
I just don't love to write on my tumblr.
So follow me on tumblr to see my pictures and quotes and things like that
And I'll just be over here writing about Jesus and life and school and work and stuff.