Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh People

My views are that Amazon is just selling books. They don't have to agree with the types of books they are selling. I was at Barnes and Noble and I saw a book that listed all the different sex positions you can do with a snuggie. Did I get mad at Barnes and Noble for selling this? No. I understand that yes, they are to a degree different topics but you'll find that there are, unfortunately, people that would enjoy the snuggie book. And there are, unfortunately, people that would enjoy the Pedophile book. Amazon works a lot like Ebay and Etsy. You buy stuff from other people. So if someone decides to sell that book then so be it. And if you want to get mad at someone. . .get mad at the publisher for publishing the book in the first place. And then don't be upset when the pedophile's get mad at you for taking down a book for them and get mad and take that snuggie book off because they think having sex using snuggies is bad. And you have to understand. In no way to I agree with the book or anything. I'm just saying. . .a book is a book. And if one group of people are going to get mad about something then don't be surprised when the group that supports that something gets mad at the other group. . .I don't know if that made sense at all or not but. . . .

Funerals and the Dead People That Aren't There Compared to the Live People That They Were and The One's At Their Funeral. Oh and A Tribute to Grandma.

I'd like to talk about funerals. And death. Is that okay? I mean I've been pretty surrounded by it this week. I had an Aunt die on Thursday and my Grandma die 26 hours later. Aunt Char's funeral was on Monday and Grandma's was on Wednesday. It's really interesting to me. All the different traditions and regulations surrounding death. Who's idea was it that we see the body? I mean really! Because the last thing I really want to see of my dead Aunt is her cold pasty face smiling at me. Or to go over and talk to it!? What kind of sick joke is that? I just don't understand that. Or my grandma. . .they got rid of her wrinkles! And she didn't have her glasses on. . .I walked over and was like. . ."Hi, Grandma." looked down and said "You are not my grandma." And I walked away. It me how stupid it really is when my brother insisted he go to the funeral. He was so upset he didn't get to see his Grandma one last time. I had to explain to him that the body at the funeral wasn't his Grandma. Yes, it was her body. But that was it. The person he loved was gone. I took him out to the hallway where mom has pictures of the family. I showed him a couple of the pictures of Grandma smiling and laughing. I showed him those pictures and told him that whenever he thought of Grandma he needed to think of those pictures. I told him that Grandma was gone. And he was never going to see her again. That the grandma at the funeral wasn't our grandma. Grandma Laycock was NOT there. She was in heaven where she belonged.
I also noticed something at the funeral. I think my Grandpa actually loved my Grandma.
That sounds weird doesn't it.
Well you see Grandpa was my Grandma's second husband. And the past few years he hadn't treated her very well. He'd lied to everyone and he hadn't been very faithful. It's kind of sad really. Well as we buried my grandma. (I mean literally buried her. Everyone that wanted to threw in a shovelful of dirt.) I watched as he literally shook with emotion. It was then that I realized that my Grandpa LOVED my Grandma. He loved her. No matter what he had done to her. Or to our family. He loved her. And burrying her. Hurt. I can respect that.

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